Getting Started
BennyBuy is Oregon State University’s electronic procurement (eProcurement) system. It is a web portal that Jaggaer hosts. BennyBuy allows faculty and staff to search and shop online for products and services from OSU’s contracted suppliers. The system also provides the ability to create purchase requisitions for non-contracted suppliers.
User can find determine their roles by viewing their profile in BennyBuy. After logging into BennyBuy, users can navigate to their profile by clicking their name in the top right corner. From the drop-down menu this opens, they should select View My Profile. In the column on the left in their profile, they should click User Roles and Access and then Assigned Roles. This will display their role(s).
General profile information in BennyBuy comes from Banner. Username, phone number, and email sync from the OSU directory.
Yes. When a user adds an address during the checkout process, they can check a box that reads “Save this address for future use.” Checking the box will then prompt them to customize the address name and choose whether or not to make it their default address. Users will be able to select saved addresses from a drop-down menu during the checkout process for future orders. A user can also add and manage addresses in the user profile. See the tip sheet User Profile Management. Default addresses will automatically be pre-selected for future orders.
Users login to BennyBuy with their ONID username and password.
All OSU employees are automatically assigned the Shopper role in BennyBuy. Employees can log directly into BennyBuy using their ONID username and password. If you find that you do not have access, email [email protected] and request to have shopper access granted. Provide your OSU ID.
Employees should work with their FSS and complete the Access Request Form available on the eProcurement website.
There is help desk staff dedicated to BennyBuy system questions and support: [email protected].
BennyBuy sends emails at various stages of the Requisition-to-PO process. Requestors and Approvers can rely on these emails to remind them to take action on purchases with which they are involved.
Yes. Frequent Requestors or Approvers who already use the system every day may wish to adjust their notification settings. Users can change these settings by navigating to Notification Settings. See User Profile Management
No. All OSU employees have Shopper access by default.
The eProcurement website has a training library of videos, tip sheets, and supplier information sheets.
Shopping and Suppliers
Users can search for suppliers in BennyBuy. They can click on Suppliers in the left-hand column, Manage Suppliers, and then Search for a Supplier. Users can search by supplier name or Banner ID number.
Yes. If the supplier is in BennyBuy, you may submit a Purchase Request Form with the desired supplier selected.
Yes. Everyone with BennyBuy access can invite a new supplier. Please see instructions on how to invite a supplier. Suppliers must register before a cart can be created in BennyBuy.
Yes. Once a supplier complete registration, the individual who sent the invitation will receive a notification. The Vendor Maintenance team will still need to review the registration. There is an optional notification preference for when Vendor Maintenance approves the registration that users can enable.
Vendor Maintenance can be reached at [email protected] or you can email [email protected] and we will route questions appropriately.
Yes. Some suppliers can upload their quotes to their catalogs. Shoppers can then add the quote to a cart and check out. If suppliers cannot upload quotes to their catalogs, Shoppers can use the Purchase Request Form in BennyBuy to order using these quotes.
Yes. Shoppers can order from any supplier through the Purchase Request Form as long as the desired supplier has registered in BennyBuy.
Users can find their ship-to address by searching for and selecting the name of their building. They can also search by street name and/or street number. After selecting their building, they can customize address lines for recipient name, room number, and department name as needed.
Yes. Room and then the number are available as free text with every address. They are printed on the shipping labels along with the other information in the ship-to address block.
Users usually select their Business Center for billing. Each Business Center location is set up as a selectable bill-to address in BennyBuy. Users can search for a Business Center by its abbreviation (such as AABC or BEBC) or by street name and/or number. The billing address will include an email address to which suppliers can send their invoices if they so choose. There is also a line for the recipient that users can customers.
Yes. Shoppers can include several catalog suppliers on one requisition. However, BennyBuy cannot process catalog and non-catalog suppliers on the same requisition.
No. At this time, each internal departments have their own ordering processes.
If the Shopper has not already submitted their cart, they can click on the non-catalog line item’s Product Description. This will open the Purchase Request Form. Shoppers can make the desired changes and save them.
Yes, for non-catalog suppliers only. For these orders, Shoppers can use “Delivery Options” or “Notes and Attachments to be sent to the Supplier.” These fields are not available for catalog orders because the supplier usually processes these electronically, which heightens the risk of the supplier not seeing special instructions. For catalog orders, Shoppers should communicate directly with the supplier for special instructions or changes to orders.
Yes. As the Shopper moves through the tabs during checkout, BennyBuy automatically saves the cart changes.
There are multiple ways to see the status of a requisition in BennyBuy:
- Click the Documents icon in the left-hand column, it should be the third icon from the top. From the fly-out menu, click "My Documents" followed by "My Requisitions".
- From the Requestor Dashboard, scroll to the bottom of the screen. There will be a graph or list view of “My Requisitions.” Select the desired requisition and then click the PR Approvals tab.
Click the “Select” box to the right of the line you want to delete in the “Lines” section. Choose “Remove Selected Items.” This will delete the selected items from the cart.
If the Shopper has already submitted their cart but it has not completed the approval process, the Shopper can click on the requisition number. They can then click Document Actions and then choose Withdraw Entire Requisition from the drop-down menu. If the Shopper then navigates to the withdrawn requisition and clicks Document Actions, they can choose Copy to New Cart. This will allow them to modify the withdrawn requisition rather than starting over.
See User Profile management Tip sheet for step by step instructions.
To receive order notifications you have to be listed as the “Shopper” under the General tab on the Requisition. The person listed in the “Shopper” field is considered the document owner and will receive system notifications, order confirmations from catalog suppliers and be listed as the contact on the Purchase Order document.
Open the rejected requisition. Click Document Actions in the top right corner. From the menu this opens, select “Copy to New Cart.” Make any necessary updates and save. Complete the checkout sections and then submit the cart.
Yes. Find the previous requisition. From Document Actions in the top right corner, select “Copy to New Cart.” Make any updates to the new cart and submit the cart.
Requisitions for services can be entered in BennyBuy with the Purchase Request Form. For orders that will have multiple Invoices please check the amount based purchase order box and enter the total price estimate in the Price field. This will allow you to create multiple invoices and complete receipts based on the amount due.
This is a Banner limitation. Banner truncates the description to 50 characters. Additional details can be added to each line item during the checkout process as line item text.
Shoppers can withdraw the carts they have assigned to someone else. They can then reassign the carts to an available Requestor. Please contact the help desk for support if an emergency arises.
Please contact [email protected].
The Contract Request Form should be used when you need to submit a contract for PaCS to review, to have a new contract created, or to request a contract amendment or change to an existing contract. This should NOT be used when the request needs budget approvals or you are encumbering funds for the current fiscal year. The Contract Request Form does not encumber funds. See Contract, Purchase, Payment Matrix for additional details.
No, these requests do not go through a workflow or budget approval. If you need budget approval, please use the Purchase Request Form.
No, the contract request does not encumber funds. If you need the funds encumbered for the current fiscal year, please use the Purchase Request Form.
No. The approval/ completion of the request means that the request has been input and assigned, and that the contract is now being worked on by the Procurement analyst. If the request was an inquiry or other request not needing a contract or amendment, the analyst will respond to you with the information.
Workflow and Approvals
BennyBuy configures workflow based on Banner approval queues and OSU business expense policies. Users should contact their FSS with questions about the workflow of their requisitions. Users may also contact [email protected] who may be able to help.
Users can identify which Approvers are invoked from the PR Approvals tab. They should then contact the Approver by phone or email to request them to act on the document. BennyBuy notifies each Approver when a requisition requires their approval.
Approvers should set up a Substitute (or Delegate) Approver before they go on leave. Please see our tip sheet on setting up a Substitute Approver.
Requestors are generally able to place orders up to $5,000 without any additional budget approvals. Level 1 Budget Appovers and Business Centers are invoked for purchases more than $5,000. Level 2 Budget Approvers and Procurement and Contracts Services (PaCS) are invoked for purchases more than $25,000. Level 3 Budget Approvers and PaCS are invoked for purchases more than $150,000. Grant Budget Approvers are invoked for all orders purchased with their grants, regardless of dollar amount.
No. BennyBuy has both email and mobile approval functionality. Please refer to our tip sheets to set these up.
You must enter the Project ID number from eBuilder into the Project ID field in BennyBuy for the document to route to the correct approvers.
Purchase Orders
Yes. An email is sent to the Shopper with the PO number and other details.
Tracking information availability varies by supplier. Please review out Supplier Information sheets for specific details about the supplier in question.
Contact the BennyBuy help desk at [email protected] for assistance.
Receiving and Returning
A receipt on a PO indicates that the goods or services have been received. It is the document owner's authorization to pay the supplier's invoice. It is an internal process that does not involve the supplier. Receipts are required for purchases over $500.
It is recommended that a receipt is entered when goods or services have been accepted or completed. The system allows for multiple receipts to be entered as needed.
The Receipts tab in the Purchase Order shows all receiving documents and the receiving activity, including date and time of receipt creation.
To create a partial receipt, users should delete line items that they have not yet received. If creating a partial line receipt you will want to edit the line item quantity to reflect the actual items received. Note that changing the quantity to zero falsely signals to the system that the line item has been canceled. See tip sheet: Creating a Receipt.
The eProcurement team can “reopen” a receipt if it has not been paid against. Once we reopen the receipt you will have the ability to make the necessary adjustments.
Closing a purchase order indicates no future shipments are expected for that order. Once all invoices have been paid for that order, the PO will eventually be automatically closed. If it needs to be closed sooner, contact [email protected].
The matching process helps ensure that an invoice for goods or services agrees with the original purchase order submitted. OSU is using a 3-way match which requires the purchase order receipts and invoices to match within a set tolerance before the invoice is released for payment. The 3-way match only applies to orders over $5,000.
Yes. Catalog suppliers can send invoices electronically in BennyBuy. Other suppliers have the ability to do so after the eProcurement office enables them. Interested suppliers should email [email protected] to request this enablement.